Another Conservative ‘fumble’ ?

Interestingly,Enbridge discussed some of the ‘preferred’ routing options in their original submission to NEB ….and ENBRIDGE chose the path of least ‘financial ‘resistance .

Double hulls,accompanying tugs,more shore instrumentation,GPS and other gadgetry will not prevent bitumen tanker ‘incidents’—no matter how many paid consultants tell you what you want to hear ! The PEOPLE and gadgetry ,on the very sophisticated Boeing 777,(Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 ) did not prevent that disaster even with pilots on board—Was the Costa Concordia lacking of gadgets ?? Was our own Queen of the North void of standard navigation instruments, Exxon Valdes,etc.. ! Thanks to PEOPLE we continue to have disasters …the list ever grows !

Common sense tells us …that INCREASING THE NUMBER OF SAILINGS,, in narrow island bound ,busy,waters .INCREASES the probability of bitumen spills and resultant environmental damage to our waters,shores and wildlife
Yes incidents will ‘happen’—and our ONLY OPTION is to REDUCE THE PROBABILITY by choosing ‘smarter’ options !

Enbridge can still implement some smart changes—and in this way ,MAYBE, regain enough public support to save the pipeline …..and to forgive Mr. Harper’s pipeline fumble!