The U.S.  NTSB Enbridge pipeline incident REPORT of July 2010  should have shaken  the industry…..

We never heard a ‘mia culpa’ from Enbridge Board after this KALAMAZOO screw-up??…also we saw no ENBRIDGE Board ‘EPIPHANY’ about their  ‘new Enbridge Corporate ‘PUBLIC  SAFETY  CULTURE’ ..

Ultimately , we saw a clumsy  NEB Enbridge report —with 209 ‘conditions’ for Canadian Government backroom experts to resolve …with no public input !



We know that   pipelines and tankers are here to stay..

In BC we have an opportunity to build a better pipeline and tanker routing plan…to handle Alberta’s bitumen transport needs ..namely;build ONE PIPELINES SYSTEM from Alberta  to Port Simpson,or vicinity –and ship bitumen  to world markets –and with much less threat to our waters ,harbours and environmentally sensitive shores, than offered in existing plans….

Our leaders need to get together and appoint some new names (Jim Prentice and Shawn Atleo for instance) to build plan to bring the bitumen to market..yes K.I.S.S. !


…OR must we a wait for the decision of the ‘ULTIMATE’ NEB—the  NATIONAL ELECTION BALLOT     ??