…. ‘risks were significantly understated’ is the key issue” !… …. Here you have an opportunity to make it ‘scientifically’ evident  that the Trans Mountain Expansion Pipeline (TMEP) ,as proposed, is not an acceptable  !


Recall when  Harper government ,wanted  to see a ‘risk assessment’ for the BC coast…  .

Has anyone seen this study ?


George Washington University professors, with EPA funding , completed a risk assessment  that showed their concern about increased TMEP and other shipping in the Salish Sea……


Most Burrard Inlet  and Southern BC community  leaders are concerned about the 700% increase in dilbit laden tankers in our busy waters……Possibly  First Nations people and all other southern BC communities could share the cost for producuing an expert risk assessment..


Would  a new INDEPENDENT , expert, risk assessment  study  show the TMEP study to be unacceptably risky ?? …Would the government then be in a better position to order NEB to instruct Kinder Morgan (TMEP) to incorporate the independent risk results into a revised dilbit export plan.. ‘Such an expert study woud be costly and would ‘take some time’ to complete…so get started ,and come up with scientific evidence  to convince Prime Minster Trudeau… to let science be the basis of the final, better, export decision .

Some have suggested that just ONE ‘combined ‘ Enbridge-TMEP pipeline be built…to somewhere  near Port Simpson…to give loaded dilbit tankers  open ocean access to the Pacific.