Better Late—than Never !

Always ,there will be risk/reward ‘trade offs’ while considering LOCAL new major infrastructure….

The BITUMEN industry has more to learn about handling bitumen spills on land or in rivers AND knows less about ‘real life’ OCEAN SPILL SITUATIONS ( in remote ocean locations,during the night,at tide change,and rough seas..) Typically, that’s when ‘stuff’ happens !
Alberta bitumen has been transported successfully for decades through ‘old pipelines’ that originally were designed for crude oil,natural gas or refined products..until the Kalamazoo ,not very funny, ‘Keystone Kops’ incident..Hopefully ,the U.S. National Transportation Safety Board final report recommendations have been implemented .??

The public are angry about the proponents disregard for local concerns about bitumen spills —in narrow,busy,island bound waters..
There is an ideal location for a a Northern Gateway/Kinder Morgan joint bitumen pipelines system loading terminal ,at Port Simpson..which offers access to world markets—and results in much reduced potential of bitumen spills in our coastal BC waters .

OK BC leaders—LEAD..
Try this–Publish a BC signed open letter to Mr. Harper demanding action…. better LATE than NEVER !!