What Leaders Do !



… the First Nation will …. defend itself against this  ‘review process’ .. “The purpose of the NEB is to regulate pipelines… in the Canadian public interest.” ‘

The NEB has  denied many  from  appearing  as interveners …including the US EPA which  has scientific data     http://www.seas.gwu.edu/~dorpjr/VTRA/PSP/FINAL%20REPORT/PSP%20FINAL%20REPORT%20-%20DRAFT%20012214%20-%20HQ.pdf     that suggests increased  risks of bitumen spills in our adjoining (Canada/US)waters—BECAUSE of the ever increasing shipping/tanker  traffic—Surely our National Energy Board would be interested ..in the Canadian public interest ?




“… the Salish Sea …. bordering numerous communities en route to

ports in both the US and Canada…characterized by passages …

that are navigationally challenging ….  a biologically rich

ecosystem …these communities depend upon.”


The Kinder Morgan, UNNECESSARY,twinning pipeline twinning project—and  the POORLY LOCATED Enbridge Northern Gateway systems ,need FIXING !

Alberta needs to market it’s growing bitumen production —so build one smart pipeline system (in a corridor) from Alberta  to Port Simpson—giving  wide open access to world markets…

Our Prime Minister could LEAD  by directing the NEB to review  this new scheme and FIX the BC pipelines mess..that’s what leaders  do—LEAD !