Everything in the Wrong Place..

Until we see INDEPENDENT , expert, opinions about the greater probability of bitumen spills due to the increased marine tanker traffic …AND we are assured of effective,SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN spill containment and recovery methods in real ocean conditions ,in wetlands,rivers,lakes,etc. …. we should forget the pipeline schemes , or, can we proceed cautiously ?!
Note;The U.S.. has just initiated a study “ to study the effects of dilbit spills on the environment and human health “ http://globalnews.ca/news/1345513/more-setbacks-for-the-kxl-pipeline/
Enbridge has already proposed ‘thicker pipe’ for the Northern Gateway pipeline..—would that initiative be enough for Canada to proceed with a pipeline now—?

Assume that Government decides to proceed ..there is a simple, doable SOLUTION. Combine the two ‘thicker’ Enbridge and Kinder Morgan pipelines and transport Alberta bitumen to a much ‘safer’ shipping terminal location near Port Simpson—which offers relatively open ocean access to world markets and removes those behemoth bitumen laden tankers from —Douglas Channel and the tricky path out to the Pacific, Burrard Inlet, Gulf Islands (Boundary Pass , Haro Strait) and Vancouver Island and U.S. shores. This plan should minimize the environmental and POLITICAL risks !