Ian Anderson,president Kinder Morgan ,Canada,is ..“reaching out to..(Burnaby) to make sure they’re INFORMED  … to balance the  (mayor’s ) the emotional rhetoric” .

Washington State has an EPA funded leak probability study  ( includes Salish Sea) that  our NEB refused to hear !

Does Kinder Morgan have any scientific studies to help the  Burnaby folks ‘balance off against (mayor’s ) the emotional rhetoric’ !

Oh yes ,we forgot—KM told us they have no responsibility for need they  care ?

Lessen the probability of bitumen  leaks by locating shipping (and pipelines)in more open ,less congested areas..and until an independent,scientifically and field proven  bitumen clean-up,recovery technology is developed and approved by Canadian government, let’s simplify and change routing to bring us closer to practical,common sense position which could be accepted by the BC public !

Most  commercial carriers(including oil tankers) are equipped with the latest fail-safe technology.. BUT no technology  is foolproof.! Common sense, practicable considerations SHOULD GUIDE US when an opportunity is apparent !


Build a simpler , COMBINED ,Enbridge/Kinder Morgan ,pipelines system from Alberta , to a Port Simpson  sea loading terminal ,and ‘get’ the  Alberta bitumen delivered to market !!

Carl Shalansky,(P.Eng.,retired)